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About The Cup,LLC

Earl Grey Cream Tea

Earl Grey Cream Tea

Regular price $11.10
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If you're looking for a truly unique and indulgent tea experience, our Earl Grey Cream Tea is the perfect choice. Not just any ordinary cup of tea, this blend takes traditional Earl Grey to the next level with its smooth creamy flavor. Combining the classic notes of bergamot with cream, malt and vanilla, each sip offers a luxurious taste sensation.
The perfect choice for any time of day, our Earl Grey Cream Tea will make your tea breaks truly special. A favorite among many English tea drinkers, it's a must-try for those who love to explore the world of teas. Enjoying this delicious cup of creamy Earl Grey is sure to become part of your daily routine.
Whether you're looking to treat yourself or share it with friends and family, our Earl Grey Cream Tea will not disappoint. Crafted with the finest ingredients, this unique blend is one of a kind and sure to make your taste buds happy. Enjoy it hot or cold and savor every sip!
Go ahead and indulge in this creamy delight today - you won't regret it!

1oz of loose leaf tea will produce about 11 - 13 cups of 8oz tea

2oz of loose leaf tea will produce about 23 - 26 cups of 8oz tea

4oz of loose leaf tea will produce about 47 - 51 cups of 8oz tea

Ingredients:Black tea, Cornflower petals, Natural flavors.

Tea(s) Origin:Sri Lanka / India / Kenya / Albania

Region(s): Nuwara Eliya + Dimbula + Uva / Assam + Nilgiri / Nandi Highlands / Tirana

Growing Altitude: 4000 - 8500 feet above sea level

Grade: OP (Orange Pekoe)

Antioxidant Level: Very High

Caffeine Content: Medium

Brewing Instructions for Earl Grey Cream Tea from About The Cup

  • Filtered or Spring Water is Best
  • Heat water to 212 degrees
  • 1 Perfect teaspoon of Earl Grey Cream Loose Leaf Tea
  • Everyone’s taste is different, for a stronger flavor use a heaping teaspoon
  • Add Earl Grey Cream to your favorite infuser
  • Pour 8 ounces of 212 degree water
  • Let Steep for 3 – 5 minutes
  • Enjoy your cup of Earl Grey Tea!
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