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Orange Blossom Loose Leaf Tea

Orange Blossom Loose Leaf Tea

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Oolong Orange Blossom Loose Leaf Tea: An Exotic Blend of Flavors

Are you searching for a unique and flavorful tea experience? Look no further than oolong orange blossom loose leaf tea. This blend combines the best of black, green, and oolong teas with the delicate notes of jasmine petals and natural flavors to create a truly stunning beverage.

The Alluring Aroma of Oolong Orange Blossom Tea

One of the first things you'll notice when steeping a cup of oolong orange blossom tea is its enticing aroma. As soon as hot water hits the leaves, a toasty roundness with fruity jasmine notes will fill the air, immediately transporting your senses to an exotic location.

The Perfect Choice for Iced Tea Lovers

While this tea can certainly be enjoyed hot, many customers rave about its refreshing and invigorating qualities when served iced. The combination of black, green, and oolong teas creates a complex yet balanced flavor that pairs perfectly with the floral hints of jasmine and orange blossom. It's the ideal choice for a summer day or a pick-me-up during the afternoon slump.

The Health Benefits of Oolong Orange Blossom Tea

In addition to its exquisite taste, oolong orange blossom tea also offers several health benefits. Oolong tea is known for its metabolism-boosting properties and can aid in weight loss. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has been linked to improved brain function and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Black tea contains caffeine, making it a great choice for an energy boost without the jitters.

A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

While oolong orange blossom loose leaf tea may seem like a modern creation, its roots can be traced back centuries. Oolong tea has been enjoyed in China since the Ming dynasty, while black and green teas have been staples in many cultures for even longer. The addition of jasmine petals and natural flavors adds a new twist to these traditional blends, creating a unique and innovative beverage.

How to Brew the Perfect Cup

To fully enjoy the flavors of oolong orange blossom tea, it's important to properly brew it. Here are some tips for the perfect cup:

  • Use one teaspoon of tea leaves for every 8 ounces of water. Adjust to your desired strength.
  • Heat water to just below boiling, around 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes before removing the leaves.
  • For a stronger flavor, use more leaves rather than steeping longer.

Where to Find Oolong Orange Blossom Tea

Ready to try this exotic blend for yourself? Oolong orange blossom tea can be found at About The Cup ~ It's What's Inside That Matters! Look for high-quality loose leaf options to ensure the best taste and maximum health benefits.

In conclusion, oolong orange blossom loose leaf tea is a truly unique and delightful blend of flavors that offers both a sensory experience and potential health benefits. Whether you enjoy it hot or iced, this tea is sure to become a favorite in your collection. So go ahead, take a sip and let yourself be transported to an exotic destination with every cup.


1oz of loose leaf tea will produce about 11 - 13 cups of 8oz tea

2oz of loose leaf tea will produce about 23 - 26 cups of 8oz tea

4oz of loose leaf tea will produce about 47 - 51 cups of 8oz tea

Ingredients: Black tea, Green tea, Oolong tea, Jasmine petals, Natural flavors.

Tea(s) Origin: Sri Lanka / Kenya / India / China / Taiwan

Region(s): Nuwara Eliya + Dimbula + Uva / Nandi Highlands / Darjeeling + Nilgiri / Fujian Province / Taoyuan County

Growing Altitude: 1500 - 8500 feet above sea level

Grade: FO (Flowery Oolong)

Manufacturer Type(s): Semi fermented, Traditional process, Small batch crafted and formed, Hand sorted

Antioxidant Level: High

Caffeine Content: Medium

Brewing Instructions for Orange Blossom Oolong Tea from About The Cup

  • Filtered or Spring Water is Best
  • Heat water to 185 degrees
  • 1 Perfect teaspoon of Orange Blossom Loose Leaf Tea
  • Everyone’s taste is different, for a stronger flavor use a heaping teaspoon
  • Add Orange Blossom Oolong to your favorite infuser
  • Pour 8 ounces of 185 degree water
  • Let Steep for 2 – 3 minutes
  • Enjoy your cup of Orange Blossom Oolong Tea!
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